
Iteration 3 engagement questions guidance

Updated 3 September 2020

This third iteration of the marine plan products for the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas has been designed to enable stakeholders to comment on of the draft policy templates prepared for Iteration 3 engagement.

We continue to learn from the advice you provide. This means that stakeholders can now comment individually on each policy and paragraph within these products. This does mean there are more questions although you can save your progress and return to your response during the engagement period. It may be helpful to familiarise yourself with the questions ahead of reading the attached documentation. Once you have submitted your response, you will be sent a receipt and a link to a PDF copy of your response.

Throughout these policy documents you may see references to figures or maps eg ‘Figure XXX’. These refer to final maps/figures to be added to the draft plan document to support a policy and to layers on the Marine Information System. If you have further comments or need more information, please review the appropriate layer on the Marine information System or include in your response via the online survey.

Guidance can be found throughout the survey and we would request that when considering your answers, please set out your support and/or concerns including any suggested changes.

Summary of questions – with advice for responding

For each policy response these questions have been made available.

Do you support policy XX-YYYY-#?

Your options are; Yes, Yes – subject to changes or No.

Please state the reason for your answer including any comments or revised text in the box provided: Questions to consider include:

  • is the intent of the policy clear?

  • what are your views on the policy wording?

Do you support how policy XX-YYYY-# should be implemented?

Your options are; Yes, Yes – subject to changes or No.

Please provide reasons for your answer, including any revised text, referencing the relevant paragraph numbers. Please comment on sections:

  • who is this of interest to? and
  • how should this policy be applied?

Do you have any other comments on policy XX-YYYY-# and its supporting text?

You might want to consider:

  • is there anything you would change about the What, Where, When and Why sections of the template?
  • do you have any additional signposting to suggest? and
  • are you aware of any map, data or evidence that could be used to support the implementation or monitoring of this policy?

Responding offline

We would prefer that you respond to the Iteration 3 engagement via this survey. Using this tool is more efficient for you and for us. It ensures you can see all of the policies and enables you to comment on each part of the policy templates.