
Annex A: cash referral pro-forma (accessible version)

Updated 24 July 2024

Official sensitive

Please complete the pro-forma and email this alongside any other relevant information – contact details for referrals are distributed with Detention Services & IRS Escorting.


To report finds of cash more than £1000 (or the equivalent in any currency). It is the responsibility of staff in IRCs and STHFs to ensure that this information is recorded on a security information report and ensure that the SIR Cash referral form is handed to the security department within the individual centre or STHF.

Services weekly on-call rota

Officer Completing Report: (Print name, date, time and telephone number)

Immigration Removal Estate:

NB There is a requirement to photograph all finds of cash where it is found. All cash which meets the above criteria MUST be reported by telephone to either:

  • Criminal and Financial Investigation (CFI), or
  • The Financial Investigation Unit

9am to 5pm Monday to Friday:

The referral must be made by phone to the on-call CIO in Criminal and Financial Investigations (CFI) in the region where the immigration removal centre is located (details distributed with the weekly on-call list).

Out of hours and weekends:

The referral must be made by phone to the on-call CIO in the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU) in the region where the immigration removal centre is located (details distributed with the weekly on-call list):

  • 5pm to 11pm
  • 5am to 9am

Exceptionally, an urgent referral to the FIU can be made before 5am, if a detained individual with impending same day removal directions arrives at a centre with cash exceeding £1000.


All fields are mandatory and must be completed.

1. Name of detained individual

2. Date of birth

3. Nationality

4. HO/ATLAS number

5. IRC name

6. Arrival from airport or enforcement or transfer from another IRC?

7. Cash found when booking in or brought in by visitor?

8. Have removal directions been set including transfer or release?

9. SIR number

10. Cash total (include each currency)

11. details of cash find (time and date, where was cash found, was the cash concealed)?

12. Any other relevant information

13. Referred to: name, telephone number at (time) and on (date)

14. Referred by:

  • Name:

  • IRC:

  • Date:

  • Time:

  • Phone number:

15. Contact details of the security team to be contacted with the outcome of this referral:

  • Email address:

  • Telephone:

  • Duty manager mobile:

This form must be e-mailed with every referral.