Making your small non-domestic premises safe from fire
A guide to fire safety law for those responsible for safety in small non-domestic premises.
This guide gives simple and practical advice to assist persons with responsibilities for fire safety in in small non-domestic premises that have simple layouts, low fire risk, with limited fire hazards and a small number of employees, customers, and visitors. The guide takes the form of guidance and recommendations to support the application of fire safety legislation, including advice about completing a fire safety risk assessment.
This guide has been published by the Secretary of State under Article 50 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) to assist responsible persons in meeting their duties under the FSO.
If your non-domestic premises falls outside the scope of this guide, you should base your fire precautions, and your fire risk assessment, on the most relevant guide from our suite of guides for specific types of non-domestic premises.
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