Licensed spaces register
DCMS maintains and publishes a Register of Licensed Public Spaces in England and Wales.
Event organisers and entertainers can use it to find out if they might be able to hold an event without applying for a premises licence or a temporary event notice.
However, they should still seek the permission of the local authority before holding any event, as it is an offence to carry on, or attempt to carry on a licensable activity without, or not in accordance with the relevant authorisation. Doing so can result in a fine of up to £20,000, or up to 6 months’ imprisonment, or both.
About the register
The Register of Licensed Public Spaces (PDF 749kb) lists local councils with public spaces which are licensed for a range of events. It details:
- licensed spaces
- activities licensed
- days and times licensed
- contact details
Certain restrictions and conditions apply to most licences. Contact the appropriate person for further information and permission to use a site.
Sites not listed
For information about places not on the list, please contact your local council.
Local Councils wishing to add details of their licensed sites to the register should email:
Licensing public land
The Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services (LACORS) website provides advice and guidance to local councils wishing to license their public land. It provides best practice examples.