
Leading in Complexity series

Published 14 October 2020

The Leading in Complexity series is delivered by the Civil Service Leadership Academy and internal faculty.

Parts 1 and 2 will be co-delivered by Dr Chris Sheader from the Cabinet Office’s Government Security Group, whose area of specialism is the reduction of threat in complex adaptive systems and Louise Wheeler from Civil Service Leadership Academy, whose research area of specialism is the psychology of leading in challenging circumstances and resilience. Part 3 will be facilitated by specialists in organisational development.

The format of the sessions is intended to be informal and interactive, allowing participants to gain a grasp of more advanced leadership practices and consider these against their own experiences.

The Leading in complexity series includes:

  • Complexity and sensemaking - introduces practices from the complexity science and how this can help in the current context. We actively consider the Cynefin model in various domains, mapping sensemaking to response. The latter part of the session supports a practical peer conversation to work through the benefits of applying the correct approach - and the incorrect approach in real life. The workshop wraps up by outlining how this relates to other core complexity themes.
  • Psychology of leadership within challenging times - introduces the psychology of leadership within challenging times. We explore how pressurised environments affect heuristics within decision making and our preferences for leadership personality types. We spend the latter part of the session exploring how we can strengthen our cognitive leadership skills of: sense-making, self-awareness, perspective-shifting, opposable thinking and relational awareness (relationship building).
  • Disrupting Group Think

Visit the CSLA programmes and events calendar for the full list of upcoming series dates