
LA Welfare Direct lite 6/2021

Updated 20 December 2021


Queries about the:

  • technical content of this bulletin, contact details are given at the end of each article
  • general content and distribution of this bulletin, contact

Who should read

All Housing Benefit (HB) staff


For information

Reminder on the interaction between the benefit cap and temporary or supported accommodation

1. The benefit cap limits the amount of Working Age benefits a household can receive unless they are exempt.

2. The benefit cap does not place a limit on Housing Benefit (HB) paid to Universal Credit claimants living in supported accommodation (such as refuges) or temporary accommodation.

3. Where a claimant is looking to move into permanent housing and requires further financial assistance towards housing costs, they can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP).

4. The DHP Guidance Manual, produced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to assist local authorities in administering the DHP scheme, highlights groups (at paragraph 1.16) impacted by the benefit cap as a priority.

5. The government increased the DHP budget to assist with the transition of Welfare Reforms and it is important that the increased funding is made available to those who need it the most.

6. As this is a cash-limited scheme it is important that organisations who support individuals, as well as individuals themselves, are aware of the help available. DWP strongly believes that it is good practice to publicise DHPs for vulnerable groups, such as those leaving care and those affected by domestic abuse. This is especially important in light of the Domestic Abuse Act that was signed into law in April 2021.

7. If you have any questions regarding the content of this article you can email

New Housing Benefit Matching Service rule HBIC202

8. The new rule (HBIC202) will form part of the Housing Benefit Award Accuracy Initiative.

9. The rule will identify HB customers and/or partners who are in receipt of a Severe Disability Premium (SDP) and any individual who is also in receipt of Carers Allowance as their carer.

10. The rule was successfully tested in March 2021 and we’d like to take this opportunity to extend a special thank you to the following authorities for their support during the testing period:

  • Rushcliffe
  • Leeds
  • Sheffield
  • Glasgow
  • Manchester

11. The Housing Benefit Matching Service rules guide has been updated and referrals will be available from week commencing 21 June 2021.

12. Do be aware, it is highly likely the findings from some initial referrals will result in large overpayments. This is due to the amount of award the disabled customer can receive from SDP and the fact that the dual payment may have been undetected for a long period of time.

13. These overpayments will be recoverable and all business as usual processes to make that recovery should be applied.

14. It is advised that these referrals should be actioned as soon as possible. This will ensure that, once the backlog of referrals has been actioned, future referrals should identify the dual payments in near real-time; meaning that HB overpayments going forward will not be as substantial.

15. If you have any questions regarding the content of this article you can email

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Recipients may freely reproduce this bulletin.