Transparency data

Joint Fraud Taskforce board minutes: 11 December 2023

Updated 14 February 2024


The Security Minister provided an update on delivery of the Fraud Strategy and the Anti-Fraud Champion role.

The Security Minister opened the Joint Fraud Taskforce and welcomed the new Parliamentary Secretary at HM Treasury, Baroness Vere.

Sector charters

Online Fraud Charter

Home Office officials gave an overview of the Online Fraud Charter and its commitments.

techUK shared their support and acknowledged the need for continued collaboration for implementation, which they are keen to do.

The Communications Crime Strategy Group (CCSG) thought it would be worthwhile working with Apple on future work. Stop Scams UK (SSUK) also agreed.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) welcomed the charter and were keen to support its implementation operationally.

Existing charters

Home Office officials gave an overview of the existing Fraud Sector Charters and noted successes as a result.

CCSG and UK Finance acknowledged the outstanding actions on the telecommunications and retail banking charters respectively.

ICAEW were keen to be more ambitious in future work.

Evaluations of the charters will be completed imminently.

Future charters

Home Office officials gave an update on development on the Insurance Charter. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) agreed with these comments and reassured that negotiations were going well.

UK Finance were open to a renewed Retail Banking Charter, acknowledging the importance of ensuring that the whole payments system is as secure from fraudsters as possible.

Members welcomed a second Telecommunications Charter, including actions on data sharing. CCSG were open but would like to see evidence before a decision is made.

Communications campaign update

Home Office officials thanked members for their contributions towards the development of the communications campaign. The Security Minister asked for support when the campaign launches.

Members welcomed the campaign and thought it would be beneficial having a single campaign. There were discussions around aligning messaging with existing campaigns and services.

There were also discussions around how the impact of the campaign will be monitored.

Global Summit

Home Office officials noted that the Global Summit is the first event of its type for fraud against individuals. Members were asked to share views on how to use the summit most effectively for industry collaboration.

All members welcomed the summit. Members thought it would be beneficial to ensure senior representation and thought it would be useful to have thematic conversations, similar to the AI summit.

Home Office officials noted the overlap with cyber crime but clarified that this summit’s focus will be on tackling fraud.

Closing remarks

The Security Minister closed the meeting and thanked members for their continued support and collaboration.