FOI release

IT contracts and renewal dates

Published 13 July 2020

1. Request

Please tell me:

  1. What reseller do you prefer to buy your software through?
  2. Are there any favoured frameworks you tend to use?
  3. Who is the decision-maker for IT Purchasing?
  4. Who is your mobile phone provider?
  5. What Mobile Device Management Solution are you using and when is the renewal date?
  6. What Mobile Threat Detection do you have in place for mobile devices and when is the renewal date?
  7. What Virtual Desktop Software do you have in place for remote workers and when is the renewal date?
  8. Do you currently use a document security or digital rights management tool and when is the renewal date?
  9. What are you using for instant messaging?
  10. Who do you currently use for your Annual IT health checks and when is your next one due?
  11. What email exchange server are you running? Cloud or on-premise?
  12. Do you have an incident response team within your IT department?
  13. What antivirus software/tool do you use and when is the renewal date?

2. Response

I can confirm that we do hold the information you have requested.

  1. We do not have a preferred reseller and engage with various value added resellers.
  2. Appropriate Crown commercial Service frameworks will be used based on the specific requirements.
  3. Budget holders of ICT Solutions & IT Operations.
  4. EE.
  5. Blackberry, March 2021.
  6. Blackberry, March 2021.
  7. SIA remote workers do not utilise virtual desktop software.
  8. The SIA does not currently use a digital rights management tool.
  9. Skype for Business.
  10. Our current supplier is Advent IM Limited. The next IT health check is due in Nov 2020.
  11. Exchange on-premise in M365 Hybrid mode.
  12. Incident response is managed within the service management organisation following ITIL based processes.
  13. We can confirm that we will provide some of the information to this aspect of your request. We can confirm that considerations will be made to review antivirus software/tool contracts for November 2020 and April 2021.

2.1 Information we are withholding

“What antivirus software/tool do you use?”

We consider that the information is covered by the exemption at section 31(1)(a) of the FOIA. Section 31(1)(a) exempts information if its disclosure is likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. As this is a qualified exemption we are required to conduct a Public Interest Test to decide whether or not to release the information.

Although there is certainly a public interest in disclosure of information relating to public authority security issues, we consider that releasing the information you have requested would be likely to increase the vulnerability of our system to attack. We have assessed that the public interest in protecting the sensitive personal data we hold against attack or unauthorised access outweighs the public interest in disclosing the specific information you have requested.

[Reference: FOI 0218]