
Installation of coffer dam at the Old Power Station Oxford 2021 to 2022: river restriction notice

Updated 25 October 2021

This notice was withdrawn on

River restriction no longer in force.


Monday 1 November 2021 to Tuesday 19 April 2022.


Osney reach - East Street, Oxford.


Approved construction/repair work to be carried out to the original frontage of the old power station, which backs on to the right river bank of the Thames opposite East Street, Oxford. This is the first major stage of reconstruction to this site to turn the old power station in to living accommodation.

Construction of a coffer dam in the river to enable inspection/ repair to the face of the old Power station façade. will restrict the width of the river at this point by 1/3rd for approximately 200 yards. Construction starts week commencing Monday 1 November 2021, and should be complete by 15 December 2021. (Dates are subject to change) Works to be carried in the river bed and river frontage works throughout the winter/ spring of 2021/22.

The construction team will place the initial piles into river bed manually. Following this a mobile crane will be placed on top on these piles and work upstream fitting piles in place. This will cause periodic disruption to navigating craft and we ask that vessels obey the traffic light system that will be placed at either Osney lock downstream, or traffic lights upstream of the Botley Bridge for this period and the following set period till full completion of works on 19 April 2022. Signage will be placed at both ends of the obstruction and at two locks either side of this works inform any boaters of the works in this area.

There will be a river safety boat in operation at all times when the overhead crane is in operation. Instructions from the safety boat must be adhered too at all times.

We apologise for any inconvenience these works cause and thank you for your patience during this time.

Map of East Street Moorings, Oxford.

Map of East Street Moorings, Oxford.