Independent report

Independent review report: South Tees Development Corporation and Teesworks Joint Venture - executive summary and recommendations

Published 29 January 2024

Applies to England

1. Executive summary

1.1. Teesworks is the local brand that represents the project to remediate and redevelop the former Redcar steelworks following the liquidation of the then steelworks owner SSI (Sahaviriya Steel Industries UK Ltd) in 2015. The Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) requested that the Secretary of State create the South Tees Development Corporation (STDC) for the purposes of managing and keeping safe the site and, if possible, its redevelopment. This was granted on 1 August 2017.

1.2. Teesworks is one of, if not the largest, brownfield remediation projects in Europe. To date £560 million of resources, including £246 million in government grants and £257 million prudential borrowing. This is planned for investment in the site by end of 2024/25 and has delivered[footnote 1]:

  • 17% of the land under contract with a further 40% at Heads of Terms
  • 940 construction jobs plus a further 1,950 recently announced
  • 2,295 direct and 3,890 indirect jobs created once sites operational
  • 450 acres of land remediated or in remediation
  • £1.3 billion business rate income potential over the next 40 years with a further £1.4 billion at Heads of Terms
  • a new 450m quay

A further £238 million investment including £40 million for Net Zero Teeside, is potentially to be incurred by STDC utilising prudential borrowing. Prudential borrowings are due to be repaid over the next 50 years from a combination of retained business rates, Teesworks Limited (TWL) profits from operating the quay, and contractual commitments from TWL.

1.3. Delivery has been supported by a Joint Venture Company, Teesworks Limited (TWL), between STDC and 2 local businessmen: Chris Musgrave and Martin Corney.

1.4. There are many voices which articulate a positive view of the project, highlighting the work that has been done and the clear evidence of the achievements which have been made in regenerating an historic part of the UK’s industrial heritage, the final demise of which, in 2015/16 had devastating results for a community that had been badly affected by the changing global patterns of industrial production. A significant amount of regeneration of the area has occurred and new businesses are moving in bringing jobs and other collateral benefits for the local area.

1.5. Consequently, there is good support for the redevelopment of the site. However, there has also been growing concern about the operations and delivery of the Teesworks project with allegations of corruption, wrongdoing, and illegality, which is impacting confidence in the project and putting future private sector investment at risk.

1.6. The Secretary of State of the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC) commissioned a review into these allegations. The terms of reference for the review are attached at Appendix 1 of the main report. They can also be found on the government website at

1.7. The review Panel has now completed its work within the scope of the terms of reference. Based on the information shared with the Panel, we have found no evidence to support allegations of corruption or illegality. However, there are issues of governance and transparency that need to be addressed and a number of decisions taken by the bodies involved do not meet the standards expected when managing public funds. The Panel have therefore concluded that the systems of governance and finance in place within TVCA and STDC at present do not include the expected sufficiency of transparency and oversight across the system to evidence value for money.

1.8. It is important that local leaders work together to secure the much needed regeneration of the site. Securing permanent local jobs, economic growth and opportunity, as well as increased tax income for the local area that can be reinvested in local services and continued growth is a priority and shared endeavour. To this end we have made a number of recommendations for the Secretary of State, TVCA and STDC to consider.

2. Recommendations

Recommendation 1

TVCA and STDC should develop a full understanding of the liabilities of both STDC and TVCA in relation to the activities of STDC and TWL and ensure appropriate management arrangements are in place to manage and mitigate the consequential financial risks to both organisations and the constituent authorities.

Recommendation 2

TVCA and STDC should jointly agree the use of retained business rates over the 25 year period in support of both TVCA and STDC risks and liabilities and consider the funding strategy for liabilities that will exist thereafter. Such agreement to be agreed by TVCA Cabinet and STDC Board.

Recommendation 3

STDC update and maintain its financial model to reflect its current business model including identified retained liabilities and business rates forecasts in line with recommendations 1 and 2 above.

Recommendation 4

Government should clarify its proposals for landfill tax in terms of public sector land remediation, including timescales for legislation, as currently eligibility for the scheme and STDC’s liability for tax are an ongoing, and increasing risk.

Recommendation 5

DLUHC to clarify the regulations in respect of TVCA and STDC (and if necessary other combined authorities and development corporations) including oversight, reserve matters and consents as well as stranded liabilities.

Recommendation 6

TVCA Cabinet review its current delegations and directions to STDC to ensure it meets its statutory obligations, including appropriate oversight by Overview and Scrutiny Committees, to enable value for money to be delivered and evidenced through effective scrutiny of significant decisions.

Recommendation 7

TVCA and STDC invite the Centre for Governance & Scrutiny to undertake a review of the O&S function and produce recommendations as to improving it in line with the statutory guidance and new English Devolution and Accountability Framework 2023.

Recommendation 8

TVCA and STDC should modify their constitutions to reflect any changes in delegations and directions that may arise from recommendations.

Recommendation 9

TVCA should amend its constitution to give effect to TVCA’s duty to keep STDC’s existence under review, to provide guidance to STDC, and to assess its own financial risks relating to STDC. We would recommend this be at least annually.

Recommendation 10

TVCA and STDC agree a protocol and code of conduct for shared statutory officers to ensure the boundaries between the two organisations are maintained, that advice is given in the best interests of the specific organisation, and that any and all communication is clear in terms of the organisation being represented.

Recommendation 11

TVCA review the group statutory officer roles and consider, where allowable in law, whether having different officers, perhaps drawn from the Constituent Authorities, would provide a greater degree of checks and balance.

Recommendation 12

TVCA and STDC review their Financial Regulations and schemes of delegation to satisfy themselves that control is enacted at the appropriate level to facilitate the value for money test and ensure the STDC Board and TVCA’s duty of oversight, is met as well as provide appropriate protections for officers. This should include the recording and reporting to STDC Board/TVCA Cabinet of key decisions taken under delegation.

Recommendation 13

TVCA should, in consultation with monitoring officers of Constituent Authorities, review and revise the local governance framework to ensure that greater degree of oversight over STDC and TWL is afforded to TVCA cabinet members and the Constituent Authority statutory officers.

Recommendation 14

Constituent members should ensure they seek advice and guidance from their own statutory officers ahead of TVCA Cabinet meetings to ensure they get an independent view to inform their strategic decision making.

Recommendation 15

Statutory officers of constituent members should ensure they inform themselves of the statutory context of STDC/TVCA and maintain an active and inquisitive engagement with both organisations to ensure they can effectively provide independent advice to their own organisations and fulfil their statutory obligations to them.  

Recommendation 16

Review the makeup of the Board, including the Chair and role of associate members, to ensure relevant expertise and knowledge is in place to support the Mayor in setting and delivering his strategic ambitions, under the current phase of delivery.

Recommendation 17

Ensure the Board are provided with comprehensive and accurate reports, supported by appropriate advice in a timely fashion so they can properly consider and debate the decisions to be made.

Recommendation 18

Any oral advice and supporting presentations should be made publicly available (where possible) to support the decision record.

Recommendation 19

The monitoring officer should ensure training for all STDC /TVCA members and officers takes place on conflicts of interest and ensure proper declarations are made and individuals recuse themselves appropriately in meetings.

Recommendation 20

A robust and comprehensive briefing arrangement be put in place between statutory officers of TVCA/STDC and the constituent members to ensure there is a collective and considered understanding of the opportunities and implications of proposed decisions.

Recommendation 21

STDC should articulate and document the agreed arrangements with the JV partners in a single document.

Recommendation 22

STDC should explore opportunities to influence when and how land is drawn down and developed and if possible, renegotiate a better settlement for taxpayers under the JV agreement.

Recommendation 23

Once a final position is agreed with the JV Partners this should be formally shared with the STDC Board and TVCA Cabinet for approval.

Recommendation 24

All STDC recruitment be subject to fair, open, and transparent processes.

Recommendation 25

The STDC executive regularly review operations on site to ensure JV Partner activity is not incurring risks and liabilities for STDC.

Recommendation 26

Monitoring officer to review the approach to confidentiality and the handling of FoI to ensure that the public interest test is properly understood and applied. Devise a local protocol to clarify what information will be deemed confidential and on what basis and provide training for staff. This should include guidance on the disclosure of confidential information to TVCA Cabinet, Overview & Scrutiny and TVCA/STDC Audit members who should have enhanced rights of access.

Recommendation 27

Director of Finance and Resources review internal  audit arrangements and provide advice to both TVCA and STDC Audit Committees as to how these can be strengthened. Consideration should be given to securing CIPFA or other external support to provide independent assessment of proposed changes.

Recommendations 28

Director of Finance and Resources work with the external auditor to support the completion of their value for money arrangements work for 2021/22, including any additional risk-based work that may arise in light of the Panel’s findings.  The progress of this work should be reported to TVCA and STDC Audit Committees

  1. Quarterly BEIS/MHCLG report April to June 2023 and management evidence received 13 November 2023.