
How to note - Capacity development

How to note - Capacity development.


How to note - Capacity development


Capacity Development

In development, Capacity is the ability of people, organisations and society as a whole to manage their affairs successfully. Capacity Development is the process whereby people, organisations and society as a whole create, strengthen, and maintain their ability to manage their affairs over time. We invest in capacity development in the public and private sectors, in civil society and in research organisations.

Capacity development is an internal process. External partners, such as FCDO, can play a supporting role by helping domestic leaders to develop and implement their own strategies to improve the capacity of organisations or amend the institutional framework. The Capacity Development How to Note sets out FCDO’s approach to this issue. By developing the capacity of our partners, FCDO financial aid and technical advice can be transformative and have a more durable impact. The note summarises the evidence and provides links to further guidance.

Published 22 July 2013