Independent report

Home Office failures put a family in danger

A report by the Parliamentary Ombudsman on an investigation into a complaint by Mrs A and her family about the Home Office


Home Office failures put a family in danger


The complaint we investigated was about the Home Office’s response to a mother’s fears in November 2010. She had discovered that a Canadian man living with her daughter had lied about his overseas criminal past when he came to the UK to live and work. She feared that the man would harm her daughter and herself. She believed that the UK’s immigration laws, enforced by the Home Office, would help keep them safe. She was right to be afraid and the Home Office failed to help her.

Our work shows the serious mistakes made by the Home Office before and after the man’s arrest for crimes against the family. It shows how maladministration by the Home Office prevented them from helping the family in time and then led the Home Office to deny responsibility for the effect of their mistakes.

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Published 8 July 2014

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