
HM Treasury Led Review of the Office for Budget Responsibility: terms of reference

Published 11 June 2015

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) was established in 2010 to provide independent and authoritative analysis of the UK’s public finances and 5 years on since its creation, the organisation has taken great strides in delivering greater transparency and credibility to UK’s fiscal policy. This government remains committed to supporting the OBR in performing its key responsibilities and the Chancellor to the Exchequer has therefore asked Sir David Ramsden, Chief Economic Advisor to HM Treasury, to complete a review of the organisation.

The terms of reference of the review will be to:

  • assess the effectiveness of the OBR in enhancing UK fiscal credibility
  • in light of this assessment and the findings of the External Review of the OBR published in September 2014, consider what further steps should be taken to enhance fiscal credibility

The outcomes of the review will be published in the summer.