
Summary of business appointments applications - Timothy Hitchens

Published 14 June 2017

Timothy Hitchens left his role as the British Ambassador in Japan in December 2016

1. President of Wolfson College, Oxford University

The Committee wrote to the FCO and noted with concern that Mr Hitchens sought advice on this appointment after it had been announced. The Committee refused to give retrospective advice.

However, the Committee did wish to to put in the public domain that:

  • Mr Hitchens informed the Committee he will take up the role of President of Wolfson College on 1 May 2018.
  • This is a full-time, paid appointment.
  • Mr Hitchens confirmed that he was appointed following an open application process.
  • Mr Hitchens told the Committee that his role is unlikely to involve any contact with Government.

The Committee also drew Mr Hitchen’s attention to the normal restrictions it imposes prohibiting lobbying and using privileged information obtained while in public office.

The letter containing the Committee’s views was sent in March 2017. The FCO also wrote to Mr Hitchens the same month with their views on the appointment - applying conditions which prohibit lobbying and the use of privileged information obtained while in public office.