FOI release

Hillsborough Independent Panel

Published 23 October 2013

FOI releases 28928 and 28929

In addition to the chair, Sir Stanley Burnton, the panel will consist of:

  • Silvia Casale - criminologist and independent expert for the Council of Europe.
  • Michael Kellett - former Police Officer (Lancashire Constabulary).
  • Graham Smith - academic and Senior Researcher at the University of Manchester.

The Hillsborough Independent Panel was set up by Alan Johnson MP, the then Home Secretary, and was announced to Parliament on 15 December 2009. Any interviews that the panel may choose to undertake would not be under oath. The panel will have no legislative power to force any party to disclose documents; any testimony or evidence submitted will be with the consent of the provider.

The Panel will ensure maximum possible disclosure of all relevant documentation, including information held by all relevant Government departments and agencies, as well as the police and other investigative and prosecuting authorities. The Hillsborough Independent Panel has demonstrated what can be achieved through this type of process.