Health and safety on educational visits
Published 26 November 2018
Applies to England
Types of trip
The 2 main types of trip are:
- routine visits
- trips that need a risk assessment and extra planning
Routine visits
These involve no more than an everyday level of risk, such as for slips and trips, and are covered by a school’s current policies and procedures. They only need a little extra planning beyond the educational aspect of the trip and can be considered as a lesson in a different classroom.
Trips that need a risk assessment and extra planning
These are trips not covered by a school’s current policies. This could be due to considerations such as the:
- distance from the school
- type of activity
- location
- need for staff with specialist skills
Sometimes a school may simply need to review its current plans or arrangements that were successful on previous trips. However, some trips will need a risk assessment, detailed planning and the informed approval of the headteacher or governing board. The person given the job of managing this should:
- have the skills, status and competence needed for the job
- understand the risks involved
- be familiar with the activity
Plans should be proportionate and sensible, focusing on how to manage genuine risks.
When to seek consent from parents or carers
A school must always get written consent for nursery-age children.
For children over nursery age, written consent is not needed for most trips, as they’re part of the curriculum. However, it’s good practice to tell parents or carers about them.
Written consent is usually only needed for trips that:
- need a higher level of risk assessment
- are outside normal school hours
The school can ask parents to sign a consent form when their child enrols. This will cover them for their whole time at the school. Advice on consent forms is available on the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) website.
A school should still tell parents or carers about such trips and give them the opportunity to withdraw their child.
Using outside organisations
Schools using an outside organisation to provide an activity must check the organisation has appropriate safety standards and public liability insurance.
The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) awards the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge to organisations that meet nationally recognised standards.
If an organisation does not hold the badge, the school must ensure that they’re an appropriate organisation to use. This could include checking:
- their insurance
- that they meet legal requirements
- their health and safety and emergency policies
- their risk assessments
- control measures
- their use of vehicles
- staff competence
- safeguarding
- accommodation
- any sub-contracting arrangements they have
- that they have a licence, where needed
The school should have an agreement with the organisation that makes it clear what everyone is responsible for. This is especially important if they will be taking over supervision of the children.
Adventure activities: caving, climbing, trekking and watersports
These kinds of activities should be identified and risk assessed as part of the visit beforehand. Staff managing or leading visits must not decide to add such activities during the trip. They should always consider the abilities of the children when assessing risk.
Organisations need a licence to provide some adventure activities. Organisations that hold the LOtC Quality Badge should hold a licence for the activity they provide.
Information about licensing is available on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website.
When planning watersports, schools should consider the need for:
- instructors
- lifeguards
A school should take particular care when using hotel swimming pools and other water-based leisure facilities that may not have a trained lifeguard on duty. Although there are no swimming-pool-specific health and safety laws, the OEAP provides useful advice about undertaking adventure specialist activities, including swimming.
Trips abroad
Trips abroad can present extra risks and need a higher level of risk assessment.
Schools should make sure that any organisation providing activities holds the LOtC Quality Badge or similar local accreditation.
The HSE does not cover incidents overseas. However, it can investigate work carried out in Britain to support the trip, such as a risk assessment. School staff could be liable under civil law for any injuries to the children due to negligence.
If the trip includes significant risks, such as challenging terrain, a remote location or an extreme climate, a school should follow the guide to the British Standard for adventurous activities outside the United Kingdom as the basis for its planning and risk assessment. Organisations employed by the school should follow this, too. If they have a LOtC Quality Badge, they follow this standard.
Schools should consider the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s detailed guidance on safer adventure travel and volunteering overseas and foreign travel advice when organising a visit abroad.
Knowing what to do in an emergency
Schools should have an emergency response plan that covers what to do if there is an incident away from school. They should also have a communications plan that covers how routine communications should be handled, including regular check-ins and calls to reassure people. Trip leaders should be familiar with the plan.
Schools can get advice on creating a communications plan from their outdoor activity adviser or the OEAP website.
Evaluating trips
A school should set up a clear process for evaluating all visits once they have been concluded, from the planning through to the visit itself. It should keep a record of any incidents, accidents and near-misses.
This will help it:
- evaluate whether its planning has worked
- learn from any incidents which took place
Educational visits coordinators
Schools should appoint an educational visits coordinator and make sure they have the training they need. The headteacher assumes this duty if there is no coordinator. Local authorities or academy trust outdoor education advisers can advise on appointing and training coordinators.
The coordinator works with the outdoor education adviser to help their colleagues in school to assess and manage risks.
The coordinator should:
- be an experienced visits leader
- have the status to be able to guide the working practices of other staff
- be confident in assessing the ability of other staff to lead visits
- be confident in assessing outside activity providers
- be able to advise headteachers and governors when they’re approving trips
- have access to training, advice and guidance
Guidance is also available on the OEAP website.