Policy paper

Government Lead Non-Executive’s annual report 2014 to 2015

Sir Ian Cheshire, the Government Lead Non-Executive, has published his first annual report that covers April 2014 to March 2015.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government



Sir Ian Cheshire’s first annual report as Government Lead Non-Executive looks at progress for the enhanced board model. It also covers the impact of non-executives in their departments and across Whitehall. It looks forward to the next phase of the programme, setting out 5 cross-cutting areas where non-executives can add further value to reform government:

  • talent
  • departmental business plans
  • arm’s length bodies
  • major projects
  • risk management

The Government Corporate Governance Code states that the Government Lead Non-Executive will publish a report on progress every year. See previous Government Lead Non-Executive reports.

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Published 2 July 2015

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