FOI release

Government funding for the SIA: 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2023

Published 3 April 2024

1. Request

Please provide the amount of funding received from the government for the following tax years: 2020-21; 2021-22; 2022-23.

2. Response

I can confirm that the SIA does hold this information.

There are 2 types of funds that the SIA receives. One is from the Government/Home Office and is known as capital delegation. The second is through a court-issued confiscation order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) following successful criminal prosecution proceedings. The SIA receives a portion of the money it recovers via confiscation orders under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme. This money is distributed by the SIA through its grant for good causes fund.

Year Capital POCA
2020-21 £341,319 £9,372
2021-22 £1,523,373 £113,007
2022-23 £1,985,374 £11,860

[Reference: FOI 0493]