
Government function governance and management frameworks

Updated 15 April 2024

Functional standards are the primary reference documents for implementing consistent ways of functional working in government (what needs to be done, and why).

How the work is to be done is set out in associated practices and guidance, referred to throughout the suite of functional standards as ‘governance and management frameworks’. Taken together, the suite of standards and associated governance and management frameworks represent the management operating model for the functions.

The exact content of a governance and management framework differs depending on the standard it relates to, the extent and complexity of the functional work being done, and who owns and operates it. It might apply across government, or within an organisation.

For more information, please see the Guide to governance and management frameworks (PDF, 533KB).

Aligning governance and management frameworks to standards supports continuity of implementation and joined-up ways of working, and can be done over time as relevant material is created and/or updated. It supports interoperability across the systems and services of government, and helps ensure knowledge and information is shared across organisational and functional boundaries.

In an organisation, it is better to integrate governance and management frameworks for each function as part of the organisation’s own governance and management framework, rather than as separately managed documentation. The main point is to ensure that the function’s interests are reflected in, and aligned to, the organisation’s strategies, plans and documentation. This enables the organisation’s leadership to make explicit choices as to the relative priority of each function in delivering the organisation’s objectives.

An example of the content of a governance and management framework is shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: Example of a governance and management framework

  • Strategic direction: Government policies and strategies
  • What and why: expectations for functional work
    • Functional Standard
  • How: what people need in order to meet the standard
    • Governance*: See clause 4
    • Requirements and guidance: see clause 5.5
    • Assessment framework: see clause 5.2 and Annex E
    • Routine documents

*(including strategy, plans, assurance, roles and accountabilities)