
Example Objects - Carers

Published 10 May 2013

Applies to England and Wales

Example objects:

NB: There is an approved standard governing document for the Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme.

  • “To relieve people who are elderly or disabled resident in [parish/place] by the provisions of carers and by the provision of support and training to such carers.”

  • “The relief of elderly people and those in poor health resident in [parish/place] (not being resident in an institution or nursing home as defined by the National Assistance Act 1948 or the Chronically Sick and Disabled Act 1970) by the provision of a sitting service to relieve those who are caring for or nursing them.”

  • “To relieve financial hardship and sickness among persons who are caring for or nursing a person with a physical or mental disability in any place other than an Institution or Nursing Home as defined by the National Assistance Act 1948 and Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, and the relief of people who are chronically sick or disabled by the provision of training and advice for those responsible for their care.”

  • “To preserve and protect the health of those caring for people with physical, mental or sensory impairment within the family or home by offering a respite service through the provision of community based care attendants and, at the discretion of the [Management Committee/Trustees] and in exceptional circumstances, to provide such care attendants for disabled people living alone.”

See also example objects for charities for the relief of sickness.

Activities a charity for these purposes might be carrying out:

Providing approved training for carers; grants to carers to enable them to “take a break”; replacement carers where the usual carer is absent.