Research and analysis

Evaluation of the Cyber Runway programme

An evaluation of the government's Cyber Runway programme to help cyber security businesses innovate, develop and grow.



The Cyber Runway programme was initially funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in 2021*. It is delivered by Plexal as a ‘bootcamp’ and accelerator programme for UK cyber sector businesses at different stages of the business lifecycle with three streams: Launch, Grow and Scale.

  • Launch: support to individuals to develop relevant entrepreneurial skills, meet potential co-founders, and establish new cyber businesses.
  • Grow: support to businesses to help them grow, access funding, and achieve commercial success.
  • Scale: support to help businesses grow rapidly in the UK and internationally.

The programme brought together three separate DCMS funded accelerators programmes - HutZero, Cyber101 and TechNation Cyber - into one single branded programme. This was enacted to enable a clearer application process for cyber companies; to deconflict the programmes and to maximise synergies and pathways between the cohorts.

This evaluation report relates to the Cyber Runway programme in its initial year (2021 to 2022) .

Cyber Runway is part of the government’s £2.6 billion National Cyber Strategy to protect and promote the UK online. This includes an objective to strengthen the UK cyber security ecosystem and ensure we have a sustainable, innovative and internationally competitive cyber and information security sector.

*Responsibility for cyber security growth and innovation policy moved from DCMS to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) in February 2023.

Published 4 August 2023