Research and analysis

Employer research on returner programmes

Research into specialist programmes designed to help people return to work in the UK.


Employer research on returner programmes


The study explores the effectiveness of programmes which help people who have taken career breaks return to work (also called “returner programmes”).

The primary aims of the research were to:

  • explore employers’ motivations to launch returner programmes
  • understand the form that programmes take, or have taken
  • understand how employers evaluate the success of programmes
  • identify how successful programmes have been, and why

Returner programmes are for people returning to work after a long break (typically 2 years or more).

Returners are people who have taken an extended break from paid work for caring or other reasons.

This research provides employers with evidence which can inform their returner programme. Read it alongside the ‘Returner programmes: best practice guide for employers’.

Published 26 March 2018