
EFA e-bulletin for academies: 24 March 2017

Published 24 March 2017

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. The EFA e-bulletin has been replaced by ESFA Update.

1. Information: academies accounts return online form survey

We’d like to thank those trusts who’ve taken the time to complete the accounts return online form satisfaction survey.

We‘d like to receive feedback and opinions from as many trusts as possible to ensure we’re developing a process that works for everyone.

We’re committed to improving the process for submitting financial returns in the future. Your feedback is vital in helping us understand how we can improve.

If you have not yet completed the survey please do take some to do so as your opinion really matters.

The survey is open until Wednesday 29 March 2017.

2. Information: academies Budget Forecast Return arrangements

Peter Lauener, chief executive of EFA has written a letter to accounting officers at academy trusts with information about arrangements for collecting budget forecast information.

In his letter, Peter explains new arrangements for academies financial reporting that will support a wide range of cross-government public expenditure analyses.

New arrangements include introducing a new Budget Forecast Return: Outturn (BFRO) that trusts will need to submit by Friday 19 May 2017.

The new return will be based on the current budget forecast online return.

We’ll issue the BFRO and guidance by early April 2017.

3. Information: consultation for changes to the criteria for loan schemes

DfE is launching a consultation on changes to the criteria for loan schemes for maintained schools.

We’re seeking views on a revision to the statutory guidance Schemes for financing schools and an associated change to the Treatment of surplus and deficit balances when maintained schools become academies. This will clarify the criteria around the use of loan schemes.

The consultation starts on 24 March 2017 and closes on 21 April 2017.

4. Information: Condition Data Collection - list of schools to be visited

EFA has published a list of schools involved in the first two tranches of the Condition Data Collection (CDC) programme.

Surveyors will visit these schools between March and September 2017 (tranche 1) and August and December 2017 (tranche 2).

Responsible bodies can use this list to see which of their schools are included in the first two tranches of the CDC programme.

The CDC list and other guidance about the programme is available on GOV.UK Condition Data Collection page.

5. Information: Teachers’ Pensions update

Teachers’ Pensions has introduced Monthly Data Collection (MDC) for employers to provide their salary and service information. MDC replaces the Annual Service Return (ASR).

All employers must be set up to use MDC by December 2017. From April 2018, MDC will be the only way to submit information to Teachers’ Pensions.

Employers need to set up MDC with enough time to complete a 3-month trial and testing period.

Please provide your preferred start date by emailing your completed activation form to the Teachers’ Pensions MDC team.

You can also contact the team by phone on 0845 3003756 (select option 5, then option 1).

You can read more about MDC on the Teachers’ Pensions website.