Corporate report

Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring Round Coast of England

Dredged material disposal site monitoring round the coast of England: Results of sampling (2015-16)



This report presents the scientific findings of, and implications for subsequent monitoring based on the results from dredged material disposal site monitoring conducted under a Cefas/Marine Management Organisation Service Level Agreement (SLA 1.3) project (C6794 hereafter) round the coast of England during 2015-16, together with those obtained following the processing of biological and sediment contaminant samples acquired during 2014.

The main aims of this report are: to aid the dissemination of the monitoring results; to assess whether observed changes resulting from dredged material disposal are in line with those expected; to compare the results with those of previous years (where possible); and, to facilitate our improved understanding of the impacts of dredged material disposal at both a site-specific and a national (i.e. non site-specific) level.

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Published 16 February 2017

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