FOI release

Door supervisors: training, criminality checks, misconduct

Published 15 March 2024

1. Request

  1. What is the training process for bouncers, including the content, duration, and frequency of training sessions, as well as any assessments or evaluations conducted to ensure competency?

  2. Does the SIA or any body working or related to the SIA conduct criminal background checks for the SIA on individuals applying for bouncer licences? If yes, could you detail the process and the criteria used for assessing eligibility based on criminal history and provide any relevant data?

  3. What specific protocols or procedures does the SIA have in place for handling reports against licensed bouncers for misconduct, particularly in relation to discrimination issues and crimes of sexual nature (such as but not limited to sexual assault) whether or not they were proved to be true? Please also affirm whether these protocols have changed in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, and how they have changed if they did, or if there is a set date for such a change if they have not changed yet (e.g., in 2025)?

2. Response

I can confirm that the SIA does hold this information. Each question has been answered below in turn.

2.1 Question 1

The rules surrounding the delivery of training for those wanting to apply for or renew their SIA licence is detailed in this publicly available document: Get Training. The content that the qualifications cover is set out at a high level in the following documents.

Door supervisors are required to achieve a full qualification for a first time application, with a top-up requirement for those seeking to renew a licence:

If you require further information in respect of SIA licence-linked training and qualifications then please got to pages 9 – 26 of the SIA’s licensing criteria which is a publicly available document on our website: SIA: Get Licensed.

2.2 Question 2

Information in respect of the criminal record checks we undertake as a pre-requisite for all SIA licence applications can be found at pages 28–42 of Get Licensed, as linked online in the above answer.

2.3 Question 3

The SIA receives information from various sources in respect of SIA licence holders. One way in which we receive information about SIA licence holders is via our report a concern page on our website which you can view here: Report security staff or companies to the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

Depending on the information we receive our procedures may involve refusing, revoking or suspending a licence. You can read up about these procedures in Get Licensed, as linked above. The following relevant pages are as follows:

  • Refusing a licence: pages 47–50.
  • Revoking a licence: pages 57–59.
  • Suspending a licence: pages 60–62.

Please also note our criteria in respect of Non-Conviction Information and the procedure that follows that you can read about at pages 39–40.

I have also attached for you the previous Get Licensed (licensing criteria) in place during the periods you have mentioned in your request.

[Reference: FOI 0490]