
Additional event form: record deletion (accessible)

Updated 13 June 2023

Additional Event - Details of event leading to arrest, report, summons, voluntary attendance or issuing of a Penalty Notice for Disorder (PND)

Full Name (Forename / Surname)

Address provided when arrested / charged, if different to current address:

House name/number:      




Post Code:      

The police force and station who dealt with your case



* Date that you were arrested/reported/summonsed/issued a PND

Name of the police officer who dealt with your case (if known)

* The offence or offences that you were arrested / reported / summonsed /issued a PND for that you wish to be deleted

To the best of your knowledge, has the police investigation concerning yourself concluded?

In no more than 600 characters, please provide details of the circumstances of the event which is sought for deletion. In addition, please also provide evidence to support the grounds for record deletion, which you will select on page 2. This will assist the chief officer’s decision making process.

Grounds for record deletion

Please see the Record Deletion Application Guide, which sets out the grounds under which an application should be considered. Please identify the reason(s) below which you consider to be the grounds upon which you make this application, by placing an ‘X’ in the relevant box(es).

  • Unlawfully taken

  • Mistaken identity / unlawful arrest

  • No crime

  • Malicious/false allegation

  • Proven alibi

  • Incorrect disposal

  • Suspect status not clear at the time of arrest

  • Another person convicted of the offence

  • Judicial recommendation

  • Public interest