
Gap data and back data products in the DDRI scheme

Updated 16 October 2023

Products available

There are two products available:

Gap Data - A list of deaths registered between 1 January 2007 and 30 September 2008. Currently gap data is available for England and Wales and Scotland.

Back Data - Customers who did not join the scheme at the start will be offered a list of deaths registered in England and Wales and Scotland from the start of the scheme in September 2008 until their licences were signed.


The gap data for England and Wales are offered for a one off fee of £1000.

The gap data for Scotland is offered for a one off fee of £3500.

The cost of the back data is £47 for each week of data provided for England and Wales and £38.46 for Scotland.

How the data is sent

The data is provided in XML format on encrypted CD.