FOI release

Did these door supervisors hold SIA licences on 26 December 2022?

Published 11 July 2023

1. Request

There are some SIA badge numbers are not showing on your register and I’ve been told they are now out of date and as such not showing on the SIA register. I urgently need to check and confirm whether they were in date on 26 December 2022 because as part of my [premises] licence appeal process, it has come up that the badges are out of date.

The names and information can be found below: [REDACTED], [REDACTED].

If you are concerned about date protection, please email [REDACTED] with the information. If I cannot prove they were SIA registered on 26 December 2022, it could jeopardise my [premises] licence appeal.

2. Response

All current licence holders appear on our Register of Licence Holders (ROLH). If by searching by name and date of birth the register delivers no results, this is a clear indication that the individual in question does not hold a current SIA licence. Any current licence holder with those details would be shown.

I have repeated the search on our register and can confirm that the second security operative you have listed appears on our register.

The SIA is not able to release any information in respect of these licence holders beyond that held on our register of licence holders to either yourself or [REDACTED] as it is exempt under section 40(2) FOIA as it would contravene the data protection principles.

If you booked the security operatives through [REDACTED], they are required to ensure that security operatives they deploy hold an appropriate SIA licence for the services being provided to you. You may wish to try directing your enquiry to them.

[Reference: FOI 0422]