FOI release

Details of a specific SIA licence suspension

Published 12 December 2023

1. Request

I have made previous complaints about a licensed security operative. I’m submitting this FOI request as I have seen that he has since been suspended I would like information on this suspension.

2. Response

This information is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of Freedom of Information Act 2000 as it constitutes personal information that does not relate to you. The definition of personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. Section 40(2) exemplifies the provision of information that is the personal information of another person if releasing it would contravene any of the data protection principles as set out at section 34 of the Data Protection Act 2018. The first principle requires that the disclosure of the requested personal data must be lawful and fair. Under the Act the disclosure of personal data is considered to be lawful if:

  • there is a legitimate interest in the disclosure of that personal data
  • The disclosure of the personal data is necessary to meet that legitimate interest
  • The disclosure would not cause unwarranted harm to the data subject

Having considered the release of this piece of personal data, I am of the view that it would not serve any legitimate interest.

Further to your request, we do not run a complaints service for complaints about security operatives or companies. Instead, we treat such information as intelligence. We evaluate all intelligence we receive to assess whether there is any intervention within our powers that we should take. We do not contact people who provide intelligence to tell them how we used the information they gave us. This is for data protection reasons and because telling people how we use information could affect our ability to take effective action in future.

[Reference: FOI 0472]