
Democratic Republic of Congo: Consular fees

Updated 5 February 2024

Consular Rate

1.00 GBP = 1.32 USD

Fees may be adjusted to nearest 1 USD from the Consular Rate for administrative expediency.


Fee number Consular service Cost in £GBP Cost in US$
1 Legalising a signature or seal:    
(i) Standard service in the UK (in addition to direct costs, if any) 30 40
(ii) Premium service in the UK (in addition to direct costs, if any) 75 99
(iii) Overseas service (in addition to direct costs, if any) 30 40
Fee number Consular service Cost in £GBP Cost in US$
2 Preparing any certificate, declaration or document not listed elsewhere in this table:    
(i) in English 50 66
(ii) in any other language 50 66
3 Signing a declaration of existence (except if required by a department of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom) 25 33
4 Administering an oath, declaration or affirmation 50 66
5 Witnessing a signature 25 33
6 Certifying a copy of a document 25 33
7 Uniting documents and Marking of Exhibits 25 33
8 Supplying certified copies of documents which form part of the records of a court which is, or was formerly, established under the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts 1890 and 1913, for each page 50 66


Fee number Consular service Cost in £GBP Cost in US$
9 Administering an oath of British Citizenship under the British Nationality Act 1981 100 132

Births, marriages, civil partnerships and deaths

Fee number Consular service Cost in £GBP Cost in US$
10 Receiving notice of an intended marriage, civil partnership or overseas relationship 50 66
11 Issuing a certificate that no impediment to an intended marriage or civil partnership has been shown to exist, or issuing any local equivalent document for an intended marriage or overseas relationship:    
(i) in English 50 66
(ii) in any other language 50 66
12 Solemnising and administering oaths for Consular marriage; or registering or Converting a Civil Partnership into Marriage 150 198

Emergency assistance

Fee number Consular service Cost in £GBP Cost in US$
19 Administering an application for, and if successful providing, an Emergency Travel Document (in addition to direct costs, if any) 100 132

For information/ disclaimer

These fees are levied under the Consular Fees Order 2016. An official receipt should be obtained for all payments made for consular services.

Applicants should note that the legislation prescribes consular fees in Pounds Sterling. The local currency fees are updated frequently in line with exchange rate movements.