Research and analysis

Community Life Survey 2012 to 2013 findings

Published 19 July 2013

1. Key findings

Community Life Survey 2012 - 2013 findings

The arrows shown in the top right hand corner highlight statistically significant changes between the 2012 to 2013 Community Life Survey data and the 2010 to 2011 Citizenship Survey data along with the direction of movement. The data presented is based on headline findings from 2012 to 2013.

2. Explore the data

2.1 Trust

Graphic showing the proportion of people who trust Parliament, their local council and the police a lot or a fair amount
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who trust Parliament a lot or a fair amount over the years
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who trust their local council a lot or a fair amount over the years
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who trust the police a lot or a fair amount over the years
Bar chart showing changes in response to the question "whether generally speaking most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people" over the years

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2.2 Belonging

Graphic showing the proportion of people who feel they belong very or fairly strongly to their immediate neighbourhood, local area and Britain
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who feel they belong very or fairly strongly to their immediate neighbourhood over the years
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who feel they belong very or fairly strongly to their local area over the years
Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who feel they belong very or fairly strongly to Britain over the years

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2.3 Neighbourliness

Bar chart showing the changes in proportion of people who agree that people in their neighbourhood pull together to improve the neighbourhood over the years
Graphic showing how often, if at all, people chat to their neighbours more than to just say hello

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2.4 Satisfaction with area

Bar chart showing the proportion of people very or fairly satisfied with their local area as a place to live over the years
Bar chart showing perceptions on whether the area has got better or worse to live in over the past two years over the years

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2.5 Cohesion

Bar chart showing the proportion of people definitely or tending to agree that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together over the years

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2.6 Civic engagement

Bar chart showing the percentage of people engaging in actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern (e.g. attending a public meeting, taking part in a demonstration or signing a petition) over the years
Bar chart showing the percentage of people actively engaging in consultation about local services or issues (e.g. attending a consultation group or completing a questionnaire about local services) over the years
Bar chart showing the percentage of people involvedn either direct decision-making about local services or issues, or in the actual provision of these services (e.g. local councillor, school governor or magistrate) over the years

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2.7 Influencing decisions

Bar chart showing the proportion of people agreeing that they can influence decisions affecting their local area and Britain over the years
Bar chart showing the proportion of people who think it is very or quite important to feel that they can influence decisions in their local area over the years
Bar chart showing the proportion of people who would like to be more involved in decisions made by the Council affecting their local area over the years

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2.8 Volunteering

Bar chart showing the percentage of people giving unpaid help through groups, clubs or organisations over the years
Bar chart showing the percentage of people giving unpaid help as an individual to people who are not relatives over the years

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2.9 Giving

Bar chart showing the proportion of people donating to charitable causes in the 4 weeks prior to interview over the years
Bar chart showing the estimated mean amount of money given to charity in the 4 weeks prior to interview, adjusted for inflation and unadjusted over the years

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3. Download the reports/data

3.1 Combined data from quarters 2, 3 and 4 2012 to 2013 (August 2012 to April 2013)

3.2 Combined data from quarters 2 and 3 2012 to 2013 (August 2012 to January 2013)

3.3 Data from quarter 2 2012 to 2013 (August to October 2012)

4. About this survey - technical information

The below report describes the methodology of the Community Life Survey 2012 to 2013: