
The Committee is made up of:

  • An independent chair.
  • 4 independent members appointed by the Prime Minister following open competition in accordance with the Government’s Governance Code. Independent members, including the Chair, are appointed for non-renewable five-year terms.
  • 3 political members appointed by the Prime Minister on the recommendation of the leaders of the Labour Party, the Conservative Party and the SNP. Political members are appointed for renewable three-year terms.


Current members are:

Read our governance page for more information about the code of practice for members and our expenses and remuneration policy for members.

Register of interests

All committee members’ private interests that might influence their judgement - or could be perceived to do so - are recorded in the Register of interests.

Register of stakeholder meetings

See the Register of our Committee Members’ meetings with stakeholders.

Find minutes and agendas from the Committee’s meetings through our transparency data.