Policy paper

Restless Development

Published 23 July 2018

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Form for submitting commitments for the Global Disability Summit 2018

Your organisation

Type of organisation: Civil Society Organisation

If other: Click or tap here to enter text.

Name of organisation; Restless Development

Charter for Change

Please read the attached Summit Charter for Change: the principal legacy of the Summit. If your organisation is happy to sign up to the Charter, please confirm by putting a cross in the box below.

My organisation signs up to the Summit Charter for Change X

Your organisation’s commitments to achieve the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries

A. Other Commitments

Please enter the exact wording of any other commitment/s that do not fall under the themes above, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):

Restless Development joins with our civil society colleagues in committing to the following Disability Inclusion Principles:

  • raising the prioritisation of disability inclusion within your organisation
  • strengthening meaningful partnerships with disabled persons organisations (DPOs)
  • developing specific provisions to include the most marginalised in society, particularly women and girls with disabilities and those of all ages
  • collecting rigorous, reliable and comparable data on disability and improving the evidence base on what works
  • mainstreaming disability inclusion into all aspects of our programming
  • making physical and virtual environments, as well as human resources, fully accessible