Policy paper

International Disability and Development Consortium

Published 23 July 2018

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Form for submitting commitments for the Global Disability Summit 2018

IMPORTANT: Please refer to the accompanying guidance note for advice on completing this form and please fill in all four sections in English.

Your organisation:

Type of organisation: Civil Society Organisation

If other: Click or tap here to enter text.

Name of organisation International Disability and Development Consortium

Charter for Change

Please read the attached Summit Charter for Change: the principal legacy of the Summit. If your organisation is happy to sign up to the Charter, please confirm by putting a cross in the box below.

My organisation signs up to the Summit Charter for Change ☒

Your organisation’s commitments to achieve the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries:

A. Commitments to eliminate Stigma and Discrimination

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Stereotypes, attitudes and behaviours

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit): Work jointly with others (in alliances and networks) on removing multiple barriers and changing attitudes, while not losing focus of the specific barriers and negative attitudes that people with disabilities face.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

We will include this within our MoU being currently developed with the International Disability Alliance. We will include this issue within our process to review our Working Practices in the year to May 2019. We will continue to explore our membership strategy and encourage Task Groups to build wider alliances.

B. Commitments for Inclusive Education

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Policy, standards and regulations

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): Advocate and collaborate at national and international level to promote increased investment for disability-inclusive education and ensure systemic reform.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

Focusing on the planned financing facility and continuing to ensure GPE and other education initiatives include policy, technical and financing commitments to inclusive education, over the year to May 2019 IDDC will build on the Disability Summit IE Working Group’s Statement of Action to Accelerate Equitable and Quality Inclusive Education for Children and Youth with Disabilities and encourage all donors to make disability-inclusiveness a necessary funding criterion for all education programmes.

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Policy, legislation and its implementation

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit): Draw increased attention to and work on changing the legal situation that is creating barriers and reinforcing stigma in many countries.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

This will form part of the implementation of our Strategy 2018-2021 which calls for increased emphasis on collaboration between members in countries in the Global South.

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Stereotypes, attitudes and behaviours

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit): Provide relevant and practical training for removing barriers and reducing stigma, recognising that one of the most powerful ways of changing attitudes is to realise inclusion in the communities where people live and belong.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

This will form part of the implementation of our Strategy 2018-2021 which calls for increased emphasis on collaboration between members in countries in the Global South.

C. Commitments for Economic Empowerment

D. Commitments for Technology and Innovation

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Other

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): Increase collaboration, share learning and document good practices to support economic empowerment and financial inclusion in public, private and informal sectors.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

Currently no implementation plan in place, but several IDDC members have new economic empowerment or financial inclusion programmes starting soon, independently and collaboratively, and will include learning, documentation and sharing plans within these programmes.

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Policy and guidance

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): Support and advocate for adequate distribution of existing simple low-cost technology through trained services to ensure they are available, affordable and appropriate.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

Specific plan and activities to be developed while ongoing policy and advocacy activities continue.

E. Commitments for Data Disaggregation

F. Commitments for Women and Girls with Disabilities

G. Commitments for people with disabilities in Humanitarian Contexts

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Commit to use the Washington Group questions

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC will continue to advocate for the use of the Washington Group questions in line with positions established alongside IDA and others

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

Many IDDC members will continue to contribute to the debate and learning on the use of the questions. As a network IDDC is involved at the centre of the discussion and development of the questions and will continue to do this.

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC is setting up a new Task Group on Gender and Disability to explore intersectionality further, share learning between members and with the wider disability and development sectors

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

This has been agreed at the last General Assembly in May 2018, so is in very early planning stages but it is hoped the group will be established and functioning by May 2019.

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC is setting up a new Task Group on Disability and Humanitarian Actions to promote collaborative working, share learning between members and with the wider disability and development sectors

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

This has been agreed at the last General Assembly in May 2018, so is in very early planning stages but it is hoped the group will be established and functioning by May 2019.

Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.

H. Other Commitments

Please enter the exact wording of any other commitment/s that do not fall under the themes above, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC is committed to advocate for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other relevant treaties and for disability inclusion in the 2030 Agenda and the Agenda for Humanity.

Please enter the exact wording of any other commitment/s that do not fall under the themes above, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC is committed to work closely with and respect the unique experience of the disability movement globally, regionally and nationally.

Please enter the exact wording of any other commitment/s that do not fall under the themes above, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit): IDDC is committed to sharing its vast experience gained from working with partners more than 100 countries worldwide. We will do this by documenting how attitudes can be changed and physical barriers removed, by organising training opportunities and by facilitating meeting places and exchange of information, knowledge and resources.