Research and analysis

Child Benefit: exploring factors influencing reporting changes to a child’s full-time non-advanced educational status

Research to explore the assumptions, knowledge and behaviours that influence reporting changes to a child’s FTNAE status to HMRC, to improve communications.



HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) commissioned research agency Jigsaw Research to conduct this research to better understand the underlying assumptions, knowledge and behaviours that influence reporting of changes to a child’s full-time non-advanced educational (FTNAE) status to HMRC.

The research was conducted in 2 stages. The first comprised 30 interviews to identify the factors that shaped reporting of changes. This utilised current HMRC communications on Child Benefit and FTNAE. The second stage, comprising 20 interviews, tested revised communication proposals.

This report proposed ways to enhance HMRC communications on FTNAE as well as giving greater understanding of what influences customer reporting of FTNAE changes.

Published 23 August 2021