
Additional capital funding for 2018 to 2019

Updated 28 January 2019

In the Budget 2018, the government announced an extra £400 million capital funding for schools in England.

Who is eligible

The funding is for:

  • maintained nursery schools
  • maintained primary and secondary schools
  • academies and free schools (including studio schools, UTCs and alternative provision)
  • pupil referral units
  • special schools
  • non-maintained special schools
  • sixth form colleges
  • special post-16 institutions that have eligible state-funded pupils

Full details on eligibility can be found in the published allocations file at school capital funding allocations.

What you can spend it on

You can spend this funding on capital projects to meet your own priorities. This may include improvements to buildings, equipment and other facilities, such as ICT.


These allocations are for individual schools. Payments are expected to be made at the beginning of February 2019. As with devolved formula capital, payments may go through local authorities, dioceses or multi-academy trusts to pass on to their schools.

We expect this funding to be for improvements rather than major capital projects, and for schools to spend the money in financial year 2018 to 2019. We published a calculator in December to allow schools to estimate their allocation. However, the normal terms of devolved formula capital will apply which provide some flexibility for schools to spend the funding over the following 2 financial years if necessary.

Further guidance on condition grant spending can be found at school capital funding allocations.

How the funding will work

You can find the final allocation amounts in the updated ‘School condition allocations and devolved formula capital: updated to include additional capital funding in 2018 to 2019’.

Each eligible institution will receive a lump sum of £3,000 and a variable amount based on a per-pupil amount of £32.10, weighted by the phase of the pupil as follows:

Phase Phase weight Per pupil rate (phase weighted)
Nursery/primary 1 £32.10
Secondary 1.5 £48.15
Post-16 2 £64.20
Special/PRU 3 £96.30
Boarder (any phase) 3 £96.30

The published allocations file found at school capital funding allocations provides further details on eligibility and how allocations have been calculated.