
Summary of business appointments applications - Richard Calvert

Published 24 May 2017

Richard Calvert left his role as Director General of Strategy and Resources at the Department for Education in October 2016.

1. Chief Operating Officer, Sheffield Hallam University

Mr Calvert asked for the Committee’s advice about taking up the post of Chief Operating Officer at Sheffield Hallam University.

The Committee wrote to the Department registering its concern that Mr Calvert’s role was announced before the Committee had had the opportunity to offer its advice. The Committee was therefore unwilling to give retrospective advice for this appointment.

However, the Committee would like to put in the public domain that:

  • Mr Calvert has informed the Committee that, in his role as Chief Operating Officer at Sheffield Hallam University, he will lead on professional services within the University.
  • The Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education had confirmed that Mr Calvert was not involved in taking decisions on higher education whilst he was at the Department.
  • Mr Calvert has confirmed he was appointed following an open application process.
  • Mr Calvert told the Committee that whilst the new role may involve some contact with higher education regulatory bodies (such as the new Office for Students), his role was unlikely to involve any contact that would amount to lobbying, or any other direct engagement with his former department.

The Committee’s letter, sent in March 2017, also drew Mr Calvert’s attention to the normal restrictions it imposes, including a two year lobbying ban, and the prohibition on using privileged information obtained while in public office.