Policy paper

Build Back Better Business Council Terms of Reference

Published 9 February 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

This policy paper was withdrawn on

The Build Back Better Business Council sat for a one year term, ending in December 2021, and was superseded by the Prime Minister’s Business Council for 2022.

From the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer

Build Back Better Council Terms of Reference, January 2021

1. Aim

The Council will support the UK to Build Back Better in 2021 by working in partnership with Government to unlock investment, boost job creation, promote Global Britain and level up and unite the whole of the UK. The Council will consist of a broad range of business leaders from across the whole economy.

2. Objectives

The Business Council will:

  • Serve as a high level, confidential forum for engagement between business and HMG;
  • Provide an opportunity for business to comment on the Government’s ambition and vision for the UK, giving frank advice and feedback on the UK’s growth plans, providing a commercial perspective on delivery of government policy to illuminate obstacles and solutions to economic recovery; and
  • Enable HMG and business to work together to promote UK Plc.

3. Membership

The Business Council will be co-chaired by the Prime Minister and Chancellor. Members will be invited in their individual capacity and appointed by the Prime Minister for a maximum twelve month term to end on 31 December 2021. Members can be added or removed at the discretion of the Co-chairs.

4. Format and structure

  • The Business Council will meet quarterly in plenary. Further meetings with members may be agreed through the Co-chairs if required. An agenda and papers will be circulated in advance.
  • The Council will also provide an opportunity for HMG to share ideas and seek views in a confidential forum.
  • The Business Council will be advisory and will hold no policy or decision making powers. It will report to the Prime Minister and Chancellor via the Downing Street Business Team.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

Council members will commit to:

  • Attend all scheduled Business Council sessions
  • Work with co-chairs, their officials and other Council Members on the business of the Council;
  • Respect the strict confidentiality of this forum - and do everything possible to enable a free, frank and substantive dialogue and to act as trusted parties to engage with on matters of national interest.