
Bribery Act 2010 guidance

Guidance to help commercial organisations understand the sorts of procedures they can put in place to prevent bribery.


Quick start guide


The Bribery Act 2010 creates a new offence under section 7 which can be committed by commercial organisations which fail to prevent persons associated with them from bribing another person on their behalf.

An organisation that can prove it has adequate procedures in place to prevent persons associated with it from bribing will have a defence to the section 7 offence.

The guidance, published here under section 9 of the Act, will help commercial organisations of all sizes and sectors understand what sorts of procedures they can put in place to prevent bribery, as mentioned in section 7.

A quick start guide has also been published which sets out the key points.

A report assessing the impact and awareness of the Bribery Act 2010 among small and medium sized enterprises exporting goods overseas is also available.

The City of London police have commissioned 4 short crime prevention videos designed to be used by companies as part of ongoing internal training for their staff. They demonstrate the impact that a corruption investigation could have on companies and individuals who ignore the Act and break the law.

Consequences begin at home - video

The City of London police have commissioned a short crime prevention video entitled “Consequences begin at home” It has been designed to be used by companies as part of ongoing internal training for their staff. It doesn’t talk about the law, but instead demonstrates the impact that a corruption investigation could have on companies and individuals who ignore the Act and break the law.

Consequences begin at home

​The Cell - video

A continuation of the “Consequences begin at home” video, which looks at the pressures both external and internal that exist for Relationship Managers and highlights the importance of making the correct choices.

The Cell

The Bribery Act - video

An infographic film bringing to life the key elements of the Act in a simple and light style. This would be an ideal film for bringing the Bribery Act to the attention of people who are new to the Act or have a limited knowledge of it.

The Bribery Act

The Conversation - video

​A short video reminding business of the importance of making themselves aware of the Act and ensuring that they have “adequate procedures” under the Bribery Act.

The Conversation

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Published 11 February 2012

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