Apprenticeship standard: aerospace manufacturing fitter (approved for delivery)
Describes the job role an apprentice will be doing and the skills required of them by the aerospace sector.
Applies to England
These documents are relevant to:
- employers wanting to recruit an apprentice
- training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available
The approved standard outlines the skills, knowledge and behaviours required of the apprentice and the job they will need to be able to do by the time they have completed their apprenticeship.
This standard is ready to use.
Employers involved in creating this standard
If you’d like to get involved and contribute to the development of the aerospace manufacturing fitter standard, please read the guidance for trailblazers, and email the trailblazer contact:
The standard for an aerospace manufacturing fitter was developed by:
- Airbus
- BAE Systems
- GKN Aerospace
- Institution of Engineering and Technology
- Magellan Aerospace UK Ltd
- Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group
- MSM Aerospace Fabricators, Rolls-Royce
- Institute of Mechanical Engineers
- GTA England
- National Federation of Engineering Centres
- Royal Aeronautical Society
Funding information for employers and training organisations
Funding band (6 = highest 1 = lowest): 6
Maximum core government contribution: £18,000
Read the funding rules for apprenticeship standards for further information.
Updates to this page
Published 12 November 2014Last updated 24 September 2015 + show all updates
Updated assessment plan.
First published.