FOI release

SIA licence applications recieved from specified UK cities between 2015 and July 2020

Published 17 July 2020

1. Request

I am looking for year by year statistical data, for the last 5 years, on applications submitted and applications that were successful for:

  • Front line SIA licences nationally
  • Front line SIA licences in Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, London, Greenwich (London).

1.1 Clarification

Definition of “successful”: this means what percentage of the applications that were granted (so, a decision). Presumably SIA does not grant 100% of licence applications - there must be some that are rejected. Therefore I am seeking the number of applications made, and the number of those applications that are granted their licences (and, by association, the number that are rejected).

“Front line SIA licences nationally”: yes, just the numbers (applications made, and applications granted their licences) for the entire country

“Front line SIA licences in [city]”: yes, the number of applications made, and the applications granted their licences, for the listed cities.

Therefore, the final information would cover statistical data such as this (although obviously exact presentation is however it best suits SIA):



  • licence applications: 1057
  • licences granted: 1043


  • licence applications: 102
  • licences granted: 101


  • licence applications: 73
  • licences granted: 73

2. Response

I can confirm that we do hold the information you have requested.

Please find attached our response to your request. Information provided is correct as of 14 July 2020.

[Reference: FOI 0219]