
Silicon imported from China (Anti-Dumping Duty 2127)

Published 14 July 2016

The Commission has advised by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1077, OJ L179 of the continuation of Anti-Dumping Duty (ADD), on imports of silicon, for a further 5 years, but with the following rate change, with effect from 6 July 2016.

Country Company TARIC additional code ADD rate
China Datong Jinneng Industrial Silicon Co., Pingwang Industry Garden, Datong, Shanxi A971 16.3%
China All other companies A999 16.8%
Korea All other companies A999 16.8%
Taiwan All other companies A999 16.8%

The product is classified within the following commodity codes:

2804 6900 10
2804 6900 20
2804 6900 90

Customs Handling of Import Export Freight has been updated. The printed Tariff will be updated in the October amendment.

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