
Citric acid and trisodium citrate dehydrate imported from China (Anti-Dumping Duty 2119)

Published 7 June 2016

The Commission has advised by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/704 OJ L122 that following the withdrawal of acceptance of their undertaking concerning imports of citric acid and trisodium citrate dehydrate, originating in the People’s Republic of China, TCCA Co. Ltd and Weifang Ensign Industry Co. Ltd will no longer benefit from the nil undertaking rate (additional codes X878 and X882 on Customs Handling of Import Export Freight (CHIEF). Imports from these producers will be subject to the Anti-Dumping Duty (ADD) rates, as shown below, with effect from 13 May 2016.

Company Withdrawn CHIEF additional code Future TARIC additional code ADD rate
TCCA Co. Ltd X878 A878 42.7%
Weifang Ensign Industry Co. Ltd X882 A882 33.8%

The products concerned are currently classified within the following commodity codes:

2918 1400 10
2918 1400 90
2918 1500 11
2918 1500 19

CHIEF has been updated. The printed Tariff will be updated in the July amendment.

This information should be displayed to the public upon receipt.

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