
December 2017: Fontus Saver Website for healthcare professionals

Published 22 February 2018

Johnson & Johnson Limited complained about the Fontus Saver Website alleging that the cost saving calculator tool on the website for Fontus’s range of medical devices (dermatology) and prescription only medicines (mental health) for practices or Clinical Commissioning Groups was misleading. The complainant alleged that the calculator tool did not make it clear that the savings were based on the annualisation of a single month’s spend and were also concerned that the comparison between their medical devices and products including medicines may not be fair.

The complaint was investigated by MHRA only as it related to the promotion of medicines and was not upheld. The website included an ‘Assumptions and Calculations’ page that explains how the savings have been calculated and Fontus agreed to additional measures to ensure the calculations and assumptions are made clear where the potential savings were stated.