
Quality Matters summary action plan: second edition

Published 10 April 2019

This summary action plan sets out priorities to improve the quality of adult social care.

The document covers the period September 2018 to August 2019 (it was updated in March 2019).

1. Background

At the Quality Matters Board Review, on 27 September 2018, members agreed to address 4 action areas during year 2 of the initiative:

  • supporting collaborative commissioning for better outcomes
  • collecting and using data more effectively
  • strengthening the feedback culture in the sector
  • providing support for quality improvement

The Board also agreed that under each area they would focus on a small number of achievable and practical actions.

2. Action area: supporting collaborative commissioning for better outcomes

Coordinators Action
ADASS, LGA Engage with all Members of the Quality Matters Board, and in particular, people who use adult social care services, to co-produce the practical actions that would support improved quality through collaborative commissioning.
ADASS, LGA Based on the outcomes of action 1 (above), to hold a series of events and workshops around the country to enable partners to co-produce this work locally.

3. Action area: collecting and using data more effectively (only relates to data collected from providers)

Coordinators Action
CQC Develop and agree principles for a sector wide approach to data collection from providers. For example, avoiding duplication and reducing burdens on care providers.
CQC, NICE, SfC Identify measures of quality and the corresponding data (collected from providers) that are required, then support local organisations to implement these standardised measures to improve quality.

4. Action area: strengthening the feedback culture in the sector

Coordinators Action
Healthwatch England, CPA Carry out analysis and make recommendations for the sector about the role of Board-level feedback champions, to support a strengthened feedback culture in the sector.
Healthwatch England Establish what lessons can be learnt from feedback, through conducting analysis of CQC, NHS and Healthwatch data.
Healthwatch England Carry out a review of advocacy services to make recommendations for the sector on access to advocacy services.

5. Action area: providing support for quality improvement

Coordinators Action
SCIE Develop, promote and disseminate the ‘Quality improvement in health and social care’ resource, and ensure this includes examples of best practice in providing support for quality improvement, as well as an infographic that shows how key national organisations work together to support improvement.
NICE Inspire increased collaborative working between health and adult social care, with a particular focus on STPs and ICSs, through national workshops and continued marketing of ‘Unlocking capacity: smarter together’.