FOI release

Highest ACS assessment scores April 2019 to March 2020

Published 11 November 2020

1. Request

Without providing any identifiable information, can you please provide the scores of the top 5% of ACS approved companies*? We are looking for scores only, not company names or associated information.

This will be used to analyse our own score and look to better it where possible.

[* Subsequently clarified as “the scores of the top 5% companies that are currently valid”.]

2. Response

I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you have requested.

Below are the scores of the top 5% of assessment scores recorded between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown caused ACS assessments (in many cases) to be delayed. As many of the assessments since 1 April 2020 have either been delayed or not completed yet, the data does not accurately reflect assessment scores over the last 12 months. To provide an accurate picture this data has been gathered using assessments completed in the 2019-20 financial year.

2.1 ACS assessment scores

145, 145, 144, 144, 143, 143, 141, 139, 138, 136, 136, 136, 135, 133, 132, 132, 131, 131, 130, 130, 129, 128, 128, 128, 128, 127, 126, 126, 126, 125, 123, 121, 120, 119, 118.

[Reference: FOI 0227]