
Summary of business appointments applications - Phil Pavitt

Published 31 May 2014

Phil Pavitt left his role as Director General of Change, Security and Information, HM Revenue and Customs in January 2013.

1. Chief Information Officer, Specsavers

Mr Phil Pavitt sought permission to accept a full time, paid appointment with SpecSavers as Chief Information Officer - IT.

The Committee noted that Mr Pavitt has not had any contractual dealings and he has not been responsible for people who have had contractual dealings with his prospective employers during his last two years of service.

The Prime Minister has accepted the Committee’s recommendation that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:

  • that for two years from his last day in Crown service, Mr Pavitt should have no involvement in negotiation or management of any contracts with HMRC; and

  • he should not become personally involved in lobbying the UK Government on behalf of his new employer or its clients.

The letter containing the final decision was sent in May 2014 and he took up the role in June 2014.