
Summary of business appointments applications - Neil Sherlock

Updated 19 February 2015

Neil Sherlock left his role as Special Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister in March 2013.

1. Trustee, Demos

Mr Sherlock sought advice to accept a part-time, unpaid appointment as a Trustee for Demos.

When considering this application, the Committee took into account that Mr Sherlock did not have official or contractual dealings and has not been responsible for people who have had contractual dealings with his employer during his last two years of service. Furthermore, it took into account that he has not had access to commercially sensitive information about any competitors or been involved in the development or administration of any departmental policy or decisions (including the award of grants) that could have affected his prospective employer or its competitors.

The Permanent Secretary accepted the Committee’s recommendation that Mr Sherlock’s application be approved subject to the following conditions;

  • Mr Sherlock should not draw on privileged information available to him from his time in Government; and

  • For two years from his last day in service, Mr Sherlock should not become personally involved in lobbying the UK Government on behalf of his new employer, its parent company or its clients.

The letter containing the final decision was sent in July 2014 and he took up the new role in November 2014.