
Summary of business appointments applications - David Heath

Updated 27 May 2015

David Heath left his role as Minister of State for Agriculture and Food, Defra, in October 2013.

1. Chair, Consumer Council for Water, Western Region

Mr Heath asked for the Committee’s advice about taking up a part-time, paid appointment with the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), Western Region, having left Government in October 2013.

The Committee considered that fact that, although the post is appointed by Defra, Mr Heath stated that he had no Ministerial responsibility for the water industry or related aspects of government policy and no dealings with CCW or its constituent regional structures.

The Committee advised Mr Heath that it saw no reason why he should not take up the appointment, subject to the conditions that:

  • he should not draw on privileged information available to him from his time in Government and

  • for two years from his last day in ministerial office, he should not become personally involved in lobbying UK Government on behalf of his new employer, its parent company or its clients.

The Committee wrote its advice letter to Mr Heath in March 2015 and his new role was announced later that month.

2. Lay Board Member, Solicitors Regulation Authority

Mr Heath sought the Committee’s advice on a role as a lay (and non-executive) board member for the Solicitors Regulation Authority. When considering this application the Committee noted that Mr Heath would not be engaged in lobbying government, but it was possible that discussions may take place from time to time between the SRA board and the Ministry of Justice on regulatory and other matters relating to legal services.

The Committee advised Mr Heath that it saw no reason why he should not take up the appointment, subject to the conditions that:

  • he should not draw on privileged information available to him from his time in Government;

  • for two years from his last day in ministerial office, Mr Heath should not become personally involved in lobbying UK Government on behalf of his new employer, its parent company or its clients.

The Committee wrote its advice letter to Mr Heath in January 2015 and he took up the appointment in February 2015.

Lord German recused himself from the decision as he knew the applicant well.