Publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes the types of information we publish and explains how to access it.

You can find specific documents for this department using the publication search.

If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act.

Who we are and what we do

Information about our organisation, responsibilities and service standards can be found on our About us

What we spend and how we spend it

Our annual report & accounts give details of our financial accounts, which are audited by the National Audit Office.

Our tendering and procurement are covered by Defra Policy.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

We publish our annual Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators and our published standards for our regulatory work.

We hold a leading role in the cross government 5-year action plan for antimicrobial resistance 2019-2024.

Our Regulatory Science Strategy sets out how we will keep abreast and anticipate future, technological advances and novel approaches, ensuring that we are well equipped to address scientific and regulatory challenges.

Departmental strategies can be found in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Outcome Delivery Plan.

How we make decisions

We publish minutes of our governance committees, Management Board, and Audit and Risk Assurance and we publish our policy papers and consultations.

Lists and registers

These are available on our Registers collection

Other information

Data sets such as the VMD’s organogram of staff roles & salary data can be found on

Information on products authorised for use in UK, GB or NI is available on our Product Information Database.

A list of top ten most imported products under the ‘Cascade’ is available for each quarter.

Our policies and procedures

Complaints procedure

Enforcement policy

Contact us